Ist Floor, 9-West, Rizwan Plaza, Blue Area, Jinnah Avenue, F-6, Islamabad – Pakistan

Mon - Fri 9:00 - 5:00


Ist Floor, 9-West, Rizwan Plaza, Blue Area, Jinnah Avenue, F-6, Islamabad – Pakistan

Mon - Fri

9:00 - 5:00


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Years Of Experience

We bring the technical knowledge & experience

DESIGNMEN is a dynamic and fast growing assemblage of multi-dimensional engineering skills dedicated to the challenging task of development in the region. Established in 1982, it is geared to offer a very broad and varying range of engineering services to cater to individual or special demands, irrespective of the size of the project, on limited participation or total delivery system concept i.e., design stage to completion.


From the start of conceptual planning to detailed engineering design and through the stage of execution, the vital elements of our driving force namely, maximum efficiency, exactness and economy are ensured through a perpetual rapport with the clients and use of proven engineering and management skills.


We aim to eliminate the task of dividing your project between different construction company. We are a company that offers design and build services for you from initial sketches to the final construction.

Years of Experience
Projects Completed


Buildings and Structures

DESIGNMEN is capable of producing state of art design of buildings and structures

Water Resource Engineering

The organization is capable of undertaking rainfall and run-off studies, assessment of water requirements for cropping patterns etc.

Highways and Bridges

With respect to design of Highways and bridges following studies are undertaken road network planning, design of road embankments etc.

Our Projects

60 MW Shalfalam HPP

Strategic Environmental Assessment AJK

Parliament Building, Islamabad

Client Testimonials

Our Clients

News and Events

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News Post 2

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News Post 1

News Post 1

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